Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fashion Blogging †the Impact on Sales Essay

Thus, we first investigate whether blogging activity leads to (differential) market outcomes. We then examine whether managerial communication (magazines advertising) and blogging are synergistic. We assemble a unique data set from fashion containing market outcomes (sales), new media (blogs) and traditional media (magazines advertising) for a brand of clothing, and a brand of shoes. Each category has at least one product launch during the duration of our sample periods. We specify a simultaneous equation log-linear system for market outcomes and the volume of blogs. Our results suggest that blogs are predictive of market outcomes, new and traditional media act synergistically, pre-launch magazines advertising spurs blogging activity but become less effective post-launch and that market outcomes have some effect on blogging. We find detailed support for some of these findings via a unique and novel text mining analysis. We discuss the managerial implications of our findings. I-Introduction Consumer generated media (CGM) such as blogs (a contraction of the term â€Å"Web logs†) have witnessed explosive growth in the last few years. For example, the number of blogs worldwide is estimated to be 184 millions with a readership of 346 million (March 2010). In contrast, in March 2003, the number of blogs was essentially zero. Other types of CGM have also seen similar growth patterns, e. g. , Facebook, which started in February 2004, now has about 400 million members worldwide (February 2011). There are also indications that blogs are now being seen as similar to mainstream media sites – the number of blog sites in the top 100 most popular sites (blogs and mainstream media) worldwide was twenty-two in 2008 and blogs were being viewed by consumers as â€Å"sites for news, information, gossip etc. † (2008). In 2010, four of the top ten entertainment sites were blogs (March 2010). It is clear from these statistics that there is considerable activity (multi- media posting, blogging, visits, traffic etc. ) on the part of consumers. However, an important question, from a managerial perspective, is whether this activity leads to (differential) business outcomes such as sales or profits. In addition, little is known about the relationship between traditional or old media (where the company creates content and delivers it to consumers) and consumer generated, or new, media (where consumers create content and there in an exchange of this content between other consumers and potentially, the company). That is, are there any synergies between new media and old media? In this research, we take the first step towards answering these questions. Blogging is perhaps the most established and largest form of consumer generated media at this point in time. The total worldwide viewership of blogs is estimated to be about 346 million (March 2010). Wikipedia defines as a blog as â€Å"a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blogging is a worldwide phenomenon with the two biggest blogging markets being the United States and Japan. The number of blogs in the United States is about 23 million (about 12% of all US Internet users) and about 8 million in Japan (about 5% of all Japanese Internet users) in 2009. However, if one examines the total number of posts by language, Japanese language posts account for 37% of all posts worldwide followed closely by English language posts at 36%. Fina lly, readership of blogs in these two markets is ery high – about half of all Internet users in the US and about one-fifth of all Japanese Internet users have read a blog in the past year. While there are many informal opinions on the effectiveness of CGM in general (and blogs in particular) vis-a-vis market outcomes, there is limited empirical research that sheds light on this issue, especially for the launch of new products. The majority of the existing research has focused on online chatter (newsgroup postings, reviews and ratings) and its effect on market outcomes. There is some evidence that volume of online user ratings is positively correlated to sales. Blogging, on the other hand, has been seen as a unique type of user generated content as being a highly personal, non-directed communication tool. As Kumar (2005) note, blogs are unique for sociological reasons – they comprise a â€Å"highly dynamic, temporal community structure† that â€Å"focuses heavily on local community interactions† – and for technical reasons – blogs â€Å"offer us a ready-made view of evolution (of content) in continuous time. † In addition, blogging activity was probably the most pervasive CGM activity on the web during the time of our data. Given these unique characteristics of blogs as opposed to reviews, it is not obvious that bloggers’ activity should affect market outcomes. Surprisingly, there is very little research that has tried to quantify the effect of blogs on market outcomes, especially in the presence of traditional media and/or an examination of pre- and post-launch changes in the role of old and new media. Two recent empirical papers have focused on blogs and market outcomes. Dhar and Chang (2009) explore the relationship between music album sales (imputed via sales ranks on Amazon. om) and online chatter (as seen in blogs and on social networks). Using 108 music albums in early 2007 (before four weeks and after four weeks of their release), they find a positive correlation between both the number of blogs and Myspace member intensity with future music sales. Gruhl (2005) propose a new methodology to automatically generate a query of blog keywords to detect spikes in Amazon. com’s book sales rank. They conclude that their new algorithm could adequately predict the changes and spikes of future sales ranks. Thus, while these two studies suggest that there may be a correlation between blogging activity and market outcomes, they do not use actual sales data but only sales ranks from Amazon. com. To the best of our knowledge, the second issue that we outline above – the positive relationship between traditional media and new media – has not been investigated in the literature. Our expectation is that there will be a positive correlation between the quantity of traditional media and new media as traditional media is likely to provide discussion materials for bloggers. From a managerial perspective this issue is crucial, as managers have no direct control over CGM (blogs in our case). However, if there is indeed a synergistic relationship between traditional media, which are under managerial control, and new media, which are outside managerial control, then managers can leverage this relationship. Specifically, they can carry out â€Å"better† resource allocation and media planning (to traditional media) as they can take the spillover effect (from traditional to new media) into consideration. We examine the role of new media with respect to market outcomes as well as the relationship between new media and traditional media using data of two different clothing and shoes brand that are both promoted in fashion blogs. We consider the number of units sold, customers or subscribers (all a proxy for demand) as market outcomes, blogs as representations of consumer generated media and magazines advertising as traditional media. We specify a simultaneous equation model that links sales to advertising and blogs as well as a model that links blogs to advertising. Our results, after controlling for many temporal and cross-sectional factors, suggest that first, the volume of Blogstock (cumulative sum of past blog posts) is positively correlated with market outcomes (volume of clothing sold, and the volume of shoes sold) post launch. Second, the interaction between blogs and magazines advertising has a positive effect on market outcomes. Third, we also find that traditional media (magazines advertising) positively affects new media (the volume of blogs) pre launch. In other words, bloggers consume advertising, independent of the product, and this ncreases their blogging activity. Finally, we find that the effect of blogs varies between pre and post launch. In general, the positive relationship between magazines advertising and the volume of blogs pre-launch becomes weaker after launch. This result suggests that while magazines advertising can independently increase blogging pre-launch via the provision of information and content, post-launch (i. e. , once the product is available), consumers may rely less on traditional media, leading to a much weaker relationship between new and old media at that point. These last three sets of results shed light on the possibility that, broadly speaking, advertising and blogs act synergistically (with the relationship changing somewhat post-launch). The process explanations for our findings is not obvious. We take the first step in eliciting process explanations by carrying out a novel text mining analysis of the blog posts for the two markets (shoes and clothing) for which we have access to the textual content data. The findings from the text mining analysis suggest that blogs may affect market outcomes as they represent a rich source of product information and consumer opinion for other consumers. Also, bloggers do use advertising as a subject for blogging pre-launch but turn their attention to product attributes post-launch. II-Data Our data come from fashion market. We consider data from two brands – clothing and shoes. We first describe the market outcome data for each product market and then we describe the measurement of traditional and new media. III-Market Outcomes The daily sales of clothings were made available for the total fashion market based on a nationally representative consumer panel. The data include daily sales of two new pieces of clothing introduced in the period from January 2013 to March 2013. For shoes, the outcome variable we use is based on the same principle. We have data of two new models that were released (launched) in the period from January 2013 to March 2013. IV-Traditional Media The traditional marketing variable we use is magazines advertising. This was measured in units of daily or monthly Gross Rating Points (GRPs). There are some differences in the patterns of magazines advertising pre and post launch across the two brands. For clothing, most of the advertising is post launch. Typically, commercial ads in this market begin to air about five days pre launch and then the heavier advertising kicks in post launch. In contrast, for shoes, pre-release magazines GRPs are larger (on average) than the post-release magazines GRPs. Specifically, peak advertising for shoes was, not surprisingly, a week before its launch date in order to generate high demand at the time of the opening. V-New Media We obtain blogging data from blog 1 (www. leblogdebetty. com) for clothing data and blog 2 (www. sorayabakhtiar. com) for the shoes data. Both the brands scan and index the two blogging sites on a daily basis using keywords with coverage of about 64% of all blog articles. They then aggregate the data and provide the count of the daily number of blogs that mention a particular keyword on a specific temporal period such as day or month (multiple mentions in the same temporal unit are counted as one). As is typical for most blogs, its contents appear in a reversal chronological order and also include the blogger’s profile, â€Å"trackbacks† (links showing other websites, typically other blogs, that a blog is linked to), and comments. Buzz Research archives the contents of all blog posts. It also carries out lexical analysis of the contents of each tracked blog by using a proprietary text- mining method and classifies each blog as positive, negative and/or neutral with respect to a given keyword. We therefore have access to the actual content of all posts as well as the daily percentage of positive, negative and neutral blogs for the movies and cellular phone service markets. There is big increase in the average number of blogs per period post launch in all two brands. Interestingly, for the two brands markets where we have valence data, the biggest growth is in the percentage of neutral blogs post launch. To illustrate the relationship between marketing outcomes and both traditional and new media, we pick a product across our two brand markets. The figure suggests that magazines advertising, blog volume and shoes buyer are temporally correlated. Dividing the data temporally at the date of release we see that magazines GRPs and the number of blogs exhibit an increasing trend pre-release, but a decreasing one post-release. While we illustrate a typical data pattern through this example, the pattern is not identical for all brands across product markets. In conclusion, these data are novel in the sense that they combine marketing data for both traditional and new media along with market outcomes from a market where new media have proven to be important (at least in terms of activity). Our data are also novel in the sense that they enable us to focus on new product launches. In addition, the fact that we have data from two different brand markets (frequently purchased consumer goods) with varying characteristics (e. . , more versus fewer new product launches) will help us determine if the relationship between market outcomes and new media as well as the relationship between new media and traditional media generalizes across product markets. Finally, the availability of the actual blog post text (for two categories) opens up the possibility to conduct a deeper text-mining analysis. VI-Managerial Implicati ons So far, we have discussed the findings purely from a statistical point of view. However, it may be useful to translate these findings in a manner that uantifies the effect sizes from a managerial point of view. We therefore ran two experiments – the first to get a sense of how managers could change resource allocation and the second to see how managers could use blog data to improve sales forecasts. In the first experiment, we use the estimates from the clothing market data. To illustrate short-term effects, in the experiment, we assumed there were only three periods, two in the pre-release and one in the post-release. Recall that blogging is outside the control of managers. We therefore used the marketing instrument under managerial control in our data set – traditional magazines advertising. In the experiment, we increased the Adstock by one percent in the first pre-release period. The output we measured was the percentage increase in the size of the daily volume sold in the post-release period. A ten percent increase in the Adstock results in a 3. 3 percent increase in the number of blogs at the second pre-release period. As a result of this increase in the Adstock, we find that the net increase in the sales volume is 2. 1 percent. A decomposition of this overall increase due to traditional media versus new media suggested that the increase in the Adstock directly enhances the sales by 0. 13 percent while the interaction between blogging and advertising increases the sales by 0. 1 percent. Furthermore, the largest and most significant increase in the sales volume at post-launch is led by the indirect impact from advertising via blogging activity, which accounts for 1. 9 percent. Similar experiment for the other product markets also support these findings with the overall effect being slightly smaller for shoes (0. 4%). In addition to simulating the short-term effects of advertising, we use a simulation setting similar to the above experiments and expand the time horizon from one period to ten periods. The largest indirect effect of the ten percent increase in Adstock decays slower than do the other two effects across two product categories. The peaks of the indirect effects are located at the third period for t he clothing and at the second period for the shoes. These are resulted from the larger estimates of the carry-over constants of Adstock and Blogstock at post-launch in the blog equations. In the second experiment, we hold out the last observation from each brand and re-estimated the model. We then use the model estimates for prediction and computed the difference in the predicted value and the actual data across all the held out observations. We do this for the full model and a restricted version of the full model where the response coefficients for the number of blogs and the cumulative number of blogs were set to zero. Thus, the difference in prediction (based on the Root Mean Square Deviation) between these two models shows the extent to which the use of blog data can improve sales forecasts. The improvement in RMSD is very high for shoes, and modest for clothing. VII-Conclusion, Limitations and Directions for Future Research This paper adds to the very limited, but rapidly growing field of research into the effectiveness of new media, especially in the case of new product launches. Using a unique dataset from two product markets (a major new media market), we are able to combine into a single source, data on market outcomes, traditional media (magazines advertising) and new media (volume and content of blogs). We used a simultaneous equation model to capture the effect of new media on market outcomes and the effect of market outcomes on new media. While this in itself is somewhat novel, we were also able to include the major marketing activity (mgazines advertising) in both equations, both directly and via interactions. Thus this allows us to investigate two open questions in this domain – (a) whether new media (blogging activity in our case) leads to (differential) market outcomes and (b) whether traditional marketing actions (i. e. , magazines advertising) and new media act synergistically. We also make a first attempt, to the best of our knowledge, to use the content of the blog posts to shed â€Å"process† light on our econometric findings via a careful and methodical text mining analysis. Using data from clothing, and shoes brands, we find that patterns across the two categories showing clear linkages between traditional media, new media and market outcomes. In general, we find that cumulative blogs (Blogstock) are predictive of market outcomes, blogs and magazines advertising act synergistically, pre-launch advertising spurs blogging activity (that is predictive of marketing activity) but becomes less effective in inducing blogging activity post- launch and market outcomes also do have some effect on blogging activity. Our text mining results provide additional support for some of these findings. From a managerial point of view, in the experiment using clothing estimation results, we find that a one percent increase in the traditional marketing instrument (magazines advertising) leads to a median increase in market outcomes of 0. 2%, with a majority of the increase coming from the increase in blogging activity generated by the advertising pre-launch. Our analyses do also have a few limitations (driven mostly by the nature of the data). First, as noted earlier, the aggregate nature of our data makes it very hard to offer micro-level causal explanations of the effectiveness of new media and the synergistic relationship between new and traditional media. While our text mining analyses shed some light on our findings, it would be very beneficial to obtain datasets that link individual activity to market outcomes for a larger variety of new media. Second, our measures of new media are at present limited to blog content – volume – and in two product markets, keywords and valence. ). Third, our model could be improved with the potential use of non-parametric models to model the effects of both old and new media and the associated interactions. Finally, our data do not contain information on all marketing instruments and hence we use proxies (such as lagged sales in the case of distribution). We hope that with better data, future research will be able to address these limitations.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jamba Juice †Porters 5 Forces: Suppliers Essay

The bargaining power of providers. one of Porter?s Five Forces. can hold a important consequence on an organisation. Suppliers hold power over a house when they increase monetary values and cut down the quality of their merchandise and the house can non utilize their ain pricing to retrieve these alterations in costs. Switch overing costs is the â€Å"negative costs that a consumer incurs as a consequence of altering providers. trade names. or products† . Switch overing costs can stand for a assortment of things: clip and attempt. cost in dollars. and any other negative consequence associated with exchanging providers. Companies that remain successful for many old ages implement a scheme that makes it difficult for purchasers to exchange from their merchandise to rivals. Jamba Juice requires fresh fruits. juices. dairy merchandises. vitamins. and protein ingredients in order to bring forth their smoothies. Their shift costs are low. because it is easy for them to exchange from one company of providers to another. The shift costs for their clients are besides low. because it is really easy for a client of Jamba Juice to take to travel to Starbucks or Orange Julius alternatively. There is non much of a pecuniary difference or excess attempt required for the client ( Hitt. 52 ) . Jamba Juice has providers of all of the ingredients of their smoothies including the dairy. fruits. juices. vitamins. and proteins. Their basic natural stuffs are fresh fruits and veggies. dairy merchandises. and protein ( Jamba Juice ) . Natural stuffs are defined in Investopedia as â€Å"A stuff or substance used in the primary merchandise or fabrication of a good† ( Investopedia ) . Suppliers provide the natural stuffs to do the finished good. Jamba Juice offers existent fruit juices and smoothies. staff of lifes. pretzels. and packaged bites. Jamba Juice says they merely offer high quality smoothies. hence merely the finest fruit and supplies are used. They do rely to a great extent on their providers. particularly those of fruit. They have a end to supply high quality fruit that is consistent throughout the twelvemonth. When telling fruit. they order a jutting sum for the whole twelvemonth at the extremum of the season for each specific fruit. The monetary value of fruit is determined by supply and demand and can change greatly. Jamba Juice has a contract with independent distributers who dispense merchandises from the providers to the shops. Therefore the provider power is low. Jamba Juice prides itself in functioning healthy nutrients and merely healthy nutrients. They besides pride themselves on utilizing fresh fruit. If the fruit they are presently purchasing rises in monetary values all of a sudden so the franchise can merely take to purchase its fruit from another provider. For this ground there isn’t truly that much power. Plus the shop is franchised so every Jamba Juice buys it’s merchandises from a different provider. it’s non like they all depend on one. Buyers The concentration of purchasers for Jamba Juice can be focused into two classs. The first class is the consumers. which travel to the specific locations to buy goods such as a smoothy or burgoo. The 2nd grouping of purchasers is the 1s who choose to buy a Jamba Juice franchise ( U. S. ) . The dickering power of the two separate types of purchasers depends on Jamba Juice?s merchandise distinction. The purchasers looking to have a franchise have the chance to buy any type of company that has the option to franchise their locations. With the premise that Jamba Juice?s purchasers are looking for a specific franchise of â€Å"processed & A ; packaged goods. † so the focal point turns to companies like Dairy Queen. Maui Wowi and Smoothie King Franchises ( Jamba ) . Each of these nutrient locations within the United States proposes the pick to franchise. This handiness of franchised companies gives purchasers the determination to take and make a determination based on their list of values needed within a shop. The ultimate consumers have noticed their pick among the huge sum of smoothy options throughout their communities. The three major rivals force the purchasers to distinguish which company they believe offers the â€Å"best† smoothy. Starbucks is presently viing with Jamba Juice?s purchasers within the breakfast nutrient market. Therefore the purchaser power is Medium. The populace is reasonably used to it’s life style of fast nutrient. Ironss like this are based largely on convenience. Besides the fact that this shop goes off of a healthy life style. they are traveling to acquire a niche market who will back up them no affair what. Substitutes Substitutes are defined as a merchandise or service that is non in the same industry as your merchandise. but can execute the same map as your merchandise. Substitutes possess a menace to Jamba Juice because clients do non hold high shift costs ; therefore it is easy for a client to take a replacement over Jamba Juice?s smoothies. Many of the replacements related to Jamba Juice are similar in monetary value and quality ; therefore they do non hold much distinction from their replacements. Differentiation of a merchandise can assist cut down the menace of replacements. This adds value to a merchandise that is of import to clients. Jamba Juice has differentiated itself by offering its clients healthy refreshments. This will appeal to the wellness witting market that is merely interested in seting healthy nutrient and drinks into their organic structures. This is a niche that is going more popular to people in the US. Consumers value alimentary options to hike their energy every bit goo d as give them much-needed vitamins. The smoothy industry has besides grown because many Americans skip repasts and do non hold healthy eating wonts and they rely on smoothies to give them a choice me up bite and good needed vitamins. There are many menaces that exist to the smoothy industry. Some replacements that pose the highest menace are java. soft drinks. healthy juices. energy drinks and milk shakes. Each of these replacements is similar in monetary value and quality of Jamba Juice. Even with market rates diminishing in soft drinks and java. they still pose a menace as a replacement for Jamba Juice. Coffee is still a menace to Jamba Juice?s smoothies. particularly with successful companies such as Starbucks and Tully?s Coffee. These are well-known companies and trade name names that people know and trust. There is a Starbucks on every corner and the company is really accessible throughout the United States. Milkshakes and ice pick may be another replacement for Jamba Juice. Ice pick can carry through the same demand of a cold creamy drink or refreshment. Topographic points such as TCBY. Cold Stone. and Baskin Robins offer clients the option of a creamy milk shake on a hot summer twenty-four hours or scoops of ice pick. In add-on. many of these ice pick stores besid es serve fruit smoothies. Jamba Juice has differentiated its merchandise line by doing natural smoothies with less sugar. This gives them an border over the replacement of milk shakes or sugary smoothies. Many are get downing to seek healthy drinks such as smoothies and healthy fruit juices such as Bare Juices. This can be another replacement to smoothies. Bare Juices are 100 percent juice with no added sugar or preservatives. They offer a assortment of tasty spirits every bit good as adding antioxidants. protein. and many other foods. Bare Juice is besides get downing to add smoothies to their merchandises. which make them really competitory to Jamba Juice. Therefore the menace of replacements is high. There are a batch of replacements to replace Jamba Juice due to low shift cost for clients and many other merchandises to replace it with. Rivals In the nutrient and drink industry. Jamba Juice has a batch of rivals. Since the company is now get downing to function breakfast nutrients in add-on to drinks. they are in direct competition with 1000s of new concerns. Some of the chief rivals are Starbucks. McDonald?s. and shortly to be bottled drinks at your local food market shops. However. Jamba Juice is seeking to be more aggressive by making clients in locations where other concerns haven?t tried excessively difficult to pull. For illustration. Jamba Juice has late announced that they want to get down opening booths at airdromes and at universities and colleges throughout the state. There are legion rivals in the same industry as Jamba Juice. many of which hold a larger portion of the industry. However. Jamba Juice is spread outing their bill of fare by making more nutrient type options. such as burgoo. The job with this is the fact that this opens up their company for more rivals to take them down. Jamba Juice is come ining a whole new market with a big figure of rivals by functioning nutrient. By functioning nutrient to those clients who already purchase smoothies they are taking that much concern off from their competition. They are carry throughing a demand that has been overlooked. As mentioned earlier. McDonald?s is positioning themselves to take over all of the nutrient and drink market by making merchandises that are similar and cheaper than their rivals. For illustration. McDonald’s late expanded their market by making the McCafe eating house concatenation. Therefore grade of competition is really high. There are a batch of eating houses that sell smoothies and besides some that sell healthy nutrient. Because of this Jamba Juice has to work hard to remain in front of the competition. Normally one time a client chooses a topographic point they like they stick with it. It’s merely acquiring the client to lodge with them. New Entrants The barriers to entry in an industry are a step of how easy it is for a new market entrant to come in into a given industry. In order to judge if the industry that Jamba Juice is in has a high or a low barrier to entry it is necessary to analyze several cardinal indexs of a high or low barrier to entry. These cardinal factors include economic systems of graduated table. merchandise distinction. capital demands. exchanging costs. entree to distribution channels. cost disadvantages independent of graduated table. authorities policy. and expected revenge. The first cardinal factor to finding whether or non an industry has a high barrier to entry is to analyze the companies that can run off of economic systems of graduated table. Economies of graduated table are derived from incremental efficiency betterments through experience as a house grows larger. So as the quality of a merchandise produced during a given period additions. the cost of fabricating each unit declines. Economies of gra duated table are non considered to be a barrier to entry for Jamba Juice or its rivals. Jamba Juice is a retail merchant specialising in selling healthy merchandises such as burgoo and smoothies. These merchandises are customizable and customizable merchandises are non produced in adequate measures to accomplish economic systems of graduated table. Therefore new possible rivals to Jamba Juice seeking to sell comparable customizable fruit merchandise would non happen economic systems of graduated table to be a barrier to entry in this instance. The 2nd barrier to entry is merchandise distinction. This happens when a company can convert consumers that its merchandises are alone and construct trueness to the merchandises. A company can besides offer a set of different but related merchandises to increase the barrier to entry. Jamba Juice has established this barrier to entry in the fact that their trade name works on extremely customizable blended fruit drinks which their advertisement emphasiss as healthy and alone bites. Once clients are loyal to Jamba Juice and its merchandise line. it would be difficult for a new market entrant to change over Jamba Juice clients over to thei r merchandise line. In order to antagonize this. a new market entrant would hold to competitively monetary value their merchandises at lower monetary values. This could ensue in reduced net incomes or even a loss and therefore is unsafe to make. The capital demands for entryway into Jamba Juice’s market are non extended and don’t represent a serious barrier to entry. Since Jamba Juice is a comparatively little operation. the overall costs in opening a location would non be extended. A new market entrant could easy open up a smoothie base or little shop and compete with Jamba Juice. The lone resource that would revenue enhancement the new market entrant would be the excess selling needed to derive market portion early on. As discussed earlier. exchanging costs are erstwhile costs clients incur when they buy from a different provider. These costs pose small barriers to entry for Jamba Juices market. A client merely has to drive to a different location if they wanted to exchange trade names. In order to increase shift costs. companies could offer loyalty wages plans designed to increase the customer?s inclination to return for repetition concern. Another effectual barrier to entry is entree to distribution channel s. If Jamba Juice wants to sell its merchandises in food market shops it would hold to vie for new shelf infinite with all the bing trade names. In order to make so they would hold to offer monetary value price reductions and concerted advertisement. which would cut into their net incomes. That facet of Jamba Juice?s market has a high barrier but the other facet of base entirely fruit juice bases do non. Cost disadvantages independent of scale involve cost advantages that a new market entrant can non copy. The most relevant barrier to entry for the fruit drink market would be the physical locations of the Jamba Juice shops. If Jamba Juice has a premier location that a new market entrant can non entree. so the barrier to entry in that country would be big. For illustration. Jamba Juice has little booths in airdromes. The barrier to entry of authorities policy is comparatively simple in footings of nutrient and imbibe ordinance. A new market entrant would merely necessitate to follow the jurisprudence and obtain the proper permits to sell nutrient and drinks. This would present no barrier for a company serious about acquiring into the market. The last barrier to entry that a new market entrant would necessitate to analyze would be the expected revenge from the establishe d market rivals. If a new market entrant attempts to travel into a market that is in direct competition with Jamba Juice. so they can anticipate a revenge of increased publicities. price-cutting. or new trueness plans from Jamba Juice to protect its market portion. A manner to short-circuit this barrier is to happen a niche that is non yet focused on by the bing market. Overall the barrier to entry for a company that wants to vie with Jamba Juice is reasonably low to mid scope of trouble. It is easy to acquire into the market because one can construct shops rapidly and it does non necessitate extended capital to come in the industry. The lone oppositions that Jamba Juice and other established rivals have erected are a strong merchandise distinction and client trueness. In order for a new market entrant to win. they would necessitate to concentrate on advertisement and happening something to distinguish themselves from the current industry leaders. Therefore the Threat of new entry is Low. Most of these eating houses are reasonably established and have a nucleus client base who are loyal to their merchandises. The lone menace of new entry they have is if an set up eating house who doesn’t sell smoothies decides to add smoothies to their bill of fare.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Capital Structure and Sustainability System

The transition planned by the organizations depends on the needs of their sustainability and growth. The understanding of the urgency helps the organizations to modify based on the internal and the external changes of trends in the society or the structure. The adaptability of the organization to determine the change helps in determining the capability of the organization to sustain in the markets. Various resources are required by the organization for maintaining its sustenance in the markets. However, there are issues faced by the organizations while undertaking the change in the systems and the functioning of the same. The discussion that is being undertaken will be helping in enhancing the perception of the sustenance of the organizations in the market. However, the issues that are faced by the organizations relating to their sustenance are also being enumerated as a part of the discussion. The week has helped me in understanding the different sustainability issues that are faced by the organizations while making the changes in the structure and the functioning of the business. According to Bogan (2012), the sustainability of the organizations is determined by the Triple Bottom Line, which helps in the determination of the concepts of sustainability conceived by the organization in the market. The introduction to the social and the humanitarian aspects of the sustainability of the organization is based on the proper functioning of the organization as per the norms of the society. On the other hand, the balance that the organization undertakes in its economic aspects helps in maintaining the position in the market. The proper understanding of the needs of conservation of the ecological resources has helped in maintaining the proper supply of the raw materials to the organization (Rosen & Kishawy, 2012). The instructor pointed out the issues that the organizations might face while determining the transition initiatives is dependent on the factors of the imbalance in systems and functioning of the organization relating to the aspects of sustainability. In certain cases, the organizations compromise the humanitarian or the social approach in order to gain economic superiority in the market. The instructor cited the example of Amazon where the company has taken steps to maintain its profitability (Milne & Gray, 2013). However, the company has failed to keep up with the promises of the humanitarian and the social based sustainability. Therefore, the organization faces a risk while retaining the human labor of the same. From the week’s lessons, I have learned the different aspects that are required to be taken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. on the other hand, the issues that are being faced by the organizations while implementing the change based on the three faced model of sustainability has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the change in the market. We were introduced to the concepts of social, environmental and the economic sustainability and the manner in which the concepts affect the sustainability of the organization as a whole. The week has helped me in understanding the different capitals and their structures as they help the business in maintaining their sustainability in the markets. The different aspects of the capital are based on the understanding of the functioning of the business firms in the market (Benn, Edwards & Williams,   2014). Sustenance of the organization is mainly characterized by its smooth functioning in the markets and thereby the capitals help the organizations to maintain their functioning on a smooth and uninterrupted basis. We were assigned by our instructor to identify the different capital structure of different organizations, which has helped in clearing the concepts of the capitals that are required by the organizations to undertake the smooth functioning as per the needs of the market. The understanding of the internal and the external capital helps in the determination of capabilities of the organization to bring in the changes as per the needs of the market. On the other h and, the determination of the human capital of the organization helps in determining the supporting force that helps in the smooth functioning of the processes of the organization to being in sustenance in their systems (Ehnert, Harry & Zink, 2013). The determination of the capital and the manner in which they function as per the needs of the business helps the organization in maintaining the balance of sustenance in the markets. The week has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the capitals and the manner in which they are employed in the management of the organization in order to facilitate the sustenance. The difference in the capital structure and the management that is being undertaken by the organization helps in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market (Stoughton & Ludema, 2012). The week’s lesson has helped me in understanding the importance of the different capitals that are used by the organizations to bring in the changes in the functioning of the same. The week’s class has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organization in order to support their cause of sustainability in the market. The major aspects of the approaches are based on the understanding of the needs of the organization to undertake the means of sustainability in the market. According to (Benn, Dunphy   & Griffiths, 2006) the six phases of sustainability approaches undertaken by the organization are Rejection, Non-responsiveness, Compliance, Efficiency, Strategic proactivity and the sustainable organization. It helps in the proper understanding of the different characteristic factors where the company manipulates over the functioning in order to gain the sustainability in the market as per the needs of the same. The understanding of the objectives of the organization helps in maintaining the balance of the sustainable options that affects the proper functioning of the organization in the market. The week’s lesson has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. On the other hand, the instructor undertook steps in order to cite examples from various organizations to make us aware of the changes in the structure and the functioning, which has helped the organizations to sustain in the global markets (Smith, 2012). The citation of the companies that have failed to sustain in the market has helped in clarifying the objective of the approaches of sustainability undertaken by the organizations. Therefore, from the above lessons that we were taught in our class, which was held for three weeks has helped in the understanding of the different factors, that affects the sustainability of the organizations in the market. On the other hand, the classes have helped us in enumerating the different capital structure and functioning that helps the organizations in maintaining their sustenance in the markets. Benn, S., Dunphy, D., & Griffiths, A. (2006). Enabling change for corporate sustainability: An integrated perspective.  Australasian Journal of Environmental Management ,  13(3), 156-165. Benn, S., Edwards, M., & Williams, T. (2014).  Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Bogan, V. L. (2012). Capital structure and sustainability: An empirical study of microfinance institutions.  Review of Economics and Statistics,  94(4), 1045-1058. Ehnert, I., Harry, W., & Zink, K. J. (Eds.). (2013).  Sustainability and human resource management : Developing sustainable business organizations. Springer Science & Business Media. Milne, M. J., & Gray, R. (2013). W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting.  Journal of business ethics,  118(1), 13-29. Rosen, M. A., & Kishawy, H. A. (2012). Sustainable manufacturing and design: Concepts, practices and needs.  Sustainability,  4(2), 154-174. Smith, P. A. (2012). The importance of organizational learning for organizational sustainability.  The Learning Organization,  19(1), 4-10. Stoughton, A. M., & Ludema, J. (2012). The driving forces of sustainability.  Journal of Organizational Change Management ,  25(4), 501-517.

Ethics Issues in Elderly Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ethics Issues in Elderly Care - Essay Example A common dilemma is the evaluation of an old person's capability of decision making, both about management of his affairs, or regarding approval to treatment, or contribution in study. Because cognitive capability is not always indistinguishable with competency, meaningful tools have recently been developed in which the stress is on the precise situation to be examined. The changed interactions among the elderly patient and his or her environment may bring about ethical dilemmas in the behavioral patterns as the result of the pressure of sickness and care giving. Dependence due to physical, emotional, or mental disability in the aged infirm person is often provoked by earlier and coexisting dysfunction. This has effect also on the family who may be responsible for his supervision, and also troubled with the old person's care, and there is often an insistent need for strengthening of the social help needed for this condition. Likewise, the weakness of elderly persons may present delicate ethical issues in the determination of their ability to agree to join forces in clinical research in old age. This paper discusses some of these dilemmas in the management of disability and in the practice of clinical research in old people. These units revolve round the psychology of "I", the subjective insight of identity, and the "Me", the objective perception of the person by others. The question of personhood and what constitutes a "person" must also be addressed if infirmity and illness become dominant features of old age. In a debate defining personhood, it was noticed that the theory of psychological continuity and connectedness would be liable to understand the frenzied person as having a different individuality, because this condition is fundamentally one of disengagement. The sign of the loss of personality is often uttered by the relations: "This is not the father/mother that I have always known". In this situation, his dementia causes him almost to lose his unique sovereignty. According to Hughes, conversely, it is important to see the person as one who is "acting and interacting in a cultural historical context in which he is embedded" This vision of the person as a "situated embedded agent" could therefor e involve that even if he suffers from dementia he is not involuntarily detached from his historical ancestry and, until or unless he reaches a vegetative phase of total ignorance of his environment, he should be considered as keeping hold of some measure of self-sufficiency. AUTONOMY Autonomy is a person's capability and chance to make decisions involving his/her own desires. In a self-governing culture, many sovereign people are self-directed, but not all people with autonomy are unavoidably autonomous. A wheelchair bound person for example, can hold the power to order someone to carry out his requirements, and present communication equipment

Sunday, July 28, 2019

COMPETITIVE FORCES AND SWOT ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

COMPETITIVE FORCES AND SWOT ANALYSIS - Essay Example strengths of offering wonderful services to the clients as well as its opportunities where it can harness the use of the Internet to market its products. Specially designed websites are very important in marketing the organic foods since information disseminated using the internet can reach a wide area of geographical space instantly. 1. Whole Food Market is the world’s best retail store that specializes in retailing purely organic foods and has stores in America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Thus according to Whole Foods Market, Inc. (n.d), â€Å"the organisation owns and operates a chain of natural and organic foods supermarkets and its product categories include, but are not limited to, produce, seafood, grocery, meat and poultry, bakery, prepared foods and catering, specialty (beer, wine and cheese).† It can be noted that the trends in organic foods mainly depend on consumer spending. The demand of organic foods is a matter of personal choice and it wholly depends with the needs and interests of the individual. It can be noted that no one is compelled to buy organic foods since the other traditional foods are readily available in the conventional supermarkets. People with special health related issues comprise the bulk of consumers of organic foods and these are fewer compared to those without special health cases who can consume any kind of food of their choice regardless of it being organic. Most of the organic foods are regarded as specialty foods and in most cases, these are often regarded as luxury items that have comparatively higher prices than other conventional grocery items. The fact that organic foods have a premium price can deter the customers from purchasing the products where they can resort to the other traditional, less expensive items when they have limited disposable money to spend. It can be noted from this argument that the market for organic foods is not very stable which can negatively impact on Whole Foods Market. Another

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identify and describe a minor character in the novel, The Alchemist Essay

Identify and describe a minor character in the novel, The Alchemist - Essay Example Fatima is an Arab girl who meets with Santiago in an oasis on the way to the pyramids. On the way to Egypt, Santiago takes time to listen to the desert and the main reason is to discover the soul of the world. The Arab girl reaches in the oasis together with other people where Santiago starts a conversation with Fatima, during the entire conversation Santiago falls in love with Fatima and Fatima falls in love with Santiago (Coelho, 1993).  As the caravan starts to go to the alchemist to learn the secret of alchemy who lives in the desert, Fatima as a desert woman is willing to wait for Santiago so that the hidden treasures in Egyptian pyramids can be disclosed and thus fulfill his personal legend. The purpose of Fatima is to encourage Santiago and go to Egypt and thus promised him that if he finds the treasures, they will marry. Additionally Fatima was looking for her man though she had interest in the hidden treasures. The camel driver meets with Santiago on their way to the oasis where their main agenda was to visit the alchemist in the desert. During this time, it is when Santiago is ready to go to Egypt to find the hidden treasures. After loosing everything in the flooding river Nile the camel driver is content with his daily routine of riding the camel. The purpose of the Camel Driver is to update Santiago and make him understand the importance of the present. The Tribal Chieftain is the guard of the oasis since the oasis should not be attacked since it was a violation of rules of the desert. After Santiago shares a vision with the tribal chieftain of two hawks fighting in the sky meant that it was an army entering the oasis to destroy it and attack those who were around. The interpretation of the vision makes the tribal chieftain to arm the men and prepare them well incase if they are attacked by enemies. The purpose of the chieftain is to make sure that in the oasis omens are listened carefully and thus when around one should be aware of desert

Friday, July 26, 2019

Advocacy Assessment based on Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes Essay

Advocacy Assessment based on Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes... (see attachment) - Essay Example mote the Progresa as the model for CCTs or safety net programmes in countries in which the World Bank has a policy influence like in Nicaragua (Bradshaw 2008, citing the work of SEDESOL 2003). Bradshaw (2008), however, advanced five criticisms on the Progresa/Oportunidades model. First, the empowerment of women is only incidental rather than a main aim of the Progresa. In words of Bradshaw (2008) as suggested by Molyneux (2006), women are â€Å"at the service of the New Poverty Agenda rather than served by this agenda.† Second, based on the experience of the Progresa/Oportunidades, the higher grant for women’s enrolment into schools were interpreted by beneficiaries as higher costs involved in sending females to schools thereby discouraging the poor to send their girls to schools. Third, the Progresa/Opurtinadades program failed to explicitly recognize the highly unequal relations between men and women in the households and, thus, even if wives are allowed by their husbands to collect money under the CCTs, the power relations in the households remain lopsided in favour of males. Fourth, the CCT as implemented in the Progresa/Opurtunidades failed to target th e poorest among the poor well enough. Finally or fifth, the CCT as implemented in the Progresa/Oportunidades have been inadequate in teaching mothers the â€Å"mothering skills† in â€Å"improving their families’ health, nutrition, and education.† Based on the program implementation assessment, the key features of a CCT program that should be implemented in Nicaragua is something that has benefited from the lessons that can be obtained on the CCT as implemented in Mexico and other countries. In upgrading the CCT program, we can derive valuable lessons from Bradshaw (2008) that can improve the implementation of the CCT in Nicaragua. The lessons from Bradshaw (2008) can be translated into a five-point reform for the CCT in Nicaragua. First, we must include the empowerment of women of women as the main aims of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Composer Style report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Composer Style report - Essay Example To understand the bona fide class of this maestro, it is important to look at his background as to how he became the archetypal of the classical and romantic era. Ludwig Van Beethoven, of German Origin was born on December 17, 1770 in the home of Johann who was proficient teacher of violin, piano and voice. Teaching music was his bread and butter as he was a chapel master (Kapellmeister). Since his early age, Beethoven used to sing soprano in the very same electoral chapel where his father was the chapel master who taught Beethoven, violin and piano. Since 8 years of age, he studied with quite a lot of local organists, even received piano lessons from Tobias Friedrich Pfeiffer, where violinist like Franz Rovantini present him violin and viola lessons. Even though as a born artist, Beethoven’s musical brilliance was associated to that of Mozart’s, he never exceeded the elementary level in school education. In his teens in 1787, he went to Vienna for unknown reasons, but some say that he even met Mozart and took lessons from him. In a two weeks time when he came back his world suddenly changed for him as his mother died and his fa ther became a drunkard. Beethoven, at the age of 19, formally requested to be known as the head of the house and started receiving half of his fathers salary to support his siblings. Beethoven shifted to Vienna in 1792 where his father died in the very same year. His father died in December that same year. He studied with Haydn for a limited time as there was a personality clash. Beethoven then studied with the best known teacher in Vienna, Johann Georg Albrechtsberger. With him he learned contrapuntal and counterpoint exercises in free writing, in two to four-part fugues, in imitation, choral fugues, double fugue, double counterpoint at the various intervals, canon and triple counterpoint.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cases in the american constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cases in the american constitution - Essay Example Being unable to assume the appointed offices without the commission documents, Marbury and three others petitioned the Court to force Madison to deliver the commission to Marbury. The Supreme Court denied Marburys petition, holding that the statute upon which he based his claim was unconstitutional. Irons (1999) wrote, in a style suitable for non-lawyers, of special interest to social activists and and critical race theory, as well as how issues of race have been shaped by, and in turn shaped, major decisions of the Supreme Court.1 Irons provided the case by adding to the "human interest" factor making it entertaining (and sometimes emotionally wrenching) and educational. In his first section "To Establish a More Perfect Union," he wrote about the background in the framing of the constitution and the origins of the Supreme Court while in the next section, "It Is a Constitution We Are Expounding," Irons wrote about the separation of powers and the Supreme Courts jurisdiction evolved discussing Marbury vs. Madison. Irons (1999) narrated how the Court rendered a unanimous (4-0) decision stating that Marbury had the right to his commission but the court did not have the power to force Madison to deliver the commission, on February 24, 1803. Chief Justice Marshall wrote the opinion of the court. Marshall presented the case as raising three distinct questions: (1) Did Marbury have a right to the commission? (2) Do the laws of the country give Marbury a legal remedy? (3) Is asking the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus the correct legal remedy? Marshall quickly answered the first two questions affirmatively. He found that the failure to deliver the commission was "violative of a vested legal right." In deciding whether Marbury had a remedy, Marshall stated: "The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why is breaking into work categories stereotyped by gender so Essay

Why is breaking into work categories stereotyped by gender so difficult - Essay Example Bill Gates or Jack Welch comes immediately to mind. But why don’t people think of women leaders, such as Meg Whitman or Katherine Graham, who are on the same list of top influential and prominent business leaders? Some experts say it is because stereotypes visualize men as a much more natural fit for high ranking leadership positions than women. Gender stereotyping pollutes the workplace. It portrays women as lacking the very qualities that people commonly associate with effective leadership. As a result, they often create false perceptions that women leaders just don’t measure up to men in important ways. Though there are other stereotypes which are present in the workplace where women begin to break into the top ranks or executive positions, but the breaking is slow. No one knows exactly the main reasons for women’s struggle. Some experts say: â€Å"It’s a result of the common excuses for not ‘trusting’ women in the highest leadership situations. They’re not strong enough. They’re too conciliatory; too emotional. They don’t know how to ‘play the game.† Although these reasons seem to be childish, there is an old-fashioned perception of women’s inabilities that is persistent in almost every workplace. Men consider women to be less skilled at problem-solving, one of the qualities most associated wit effective leadership. Because of this stereotyping, people lose faith in women’s problem-solving competence that is why they may be reluctant to follow the directions of women leaders. With their problem-solving skills undermined, women lose interpersonal power. This means that instead of using their credibility or expertise to influence followers, women may have to rely on their status or position to influence others. Being exposed to women leaders doesn’t necessarily lessen stereotyping; often, it reinforces stereotyping, creating even more â€Å"extreme perceptions† of differences between

Developmental Stages Matrix Essay Example for Free

Developmental Stages Matrix Essay Physical growth is at the fastest rate during infancy. Young infants learn to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk within 12 to 15 months of birth. Uses the Sensorimotor stage of development. The infant uses sensory and motor contact to explore and understand the world around them. During infancy is when a child develops the bond with his or her guardian. An infant will learn who the guardian is and feel emotional attachment when their guardians are present or absent. Early Childhood Children continue to develop motor skills during early childhood. Things like stacking blocks, walking without help, and Push or pull things begin to develop during the early childhood stage. Uses the Preoperational stage of development. The child is able to use words and images to convey the world around them. They are still not able to assign logic to events that occur around them. This is the stage when most children become socially interactive with other people. This is when the child will begin to explore the world around them and either feel a sense of excitement or fear. Middle Childhood This is the stage of increased growth. The child sees the most physical growth during this stage. Uses the Concrete Operational Stage of development. The child is able to think logically and assign logic to situations or events. During this stage the child begins to develop a minimal sense of independence. The child can go off on his or her own to school or out to play without feeling a sense of anxiety from separation of  the parents. This stage is when the child begins to form bonds outside of the immediate household.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Case Brief Essay Example for Free

Case Brief Essay Mr. David R. Bullock filed an appeal from his convictions for attempted statutory rape, and attempted sexual exploitation of a minor. David R. Bullock put himself in numerous conversations via email and chat rooms with a Newton County Deputy Sheriff who was conducting a sting operation against pedophiles. The Deputy took on a persona of a thirteen year old female by the name of â€Å"Ashley Anne†. Many of the conversations that took place between Mr. Bullock and â€Å"Ashley† were of a sexual nature. During conversations between Mr. Bullock and â€Å"Ashley†, he discussed how he would like to engage in certain acts (sexual) with her and her friends (girls of younger age) and how he would like to video those acts. He informed â€Å"Ashley† that the conversations about meeting with her and her friends should not be discussed because it was not legal for them to meet. Eventually a meeting was scheduled for a time and a place to meet and specific instructions were given to â€Å"Ashley† on how the meeting should take place. â€Å"Ashley† was told that upon her arrival to the specified location, she should meet Mr. Bullock in a specific area of that location. History On October 18, 2002, Mr. Bullock and the decoy â€Å"Ashley† were present at the specified location, along with computer and video equipment in his vehicle, which ultimately leads to the arrest of Mr. Bullock. At the time of the arrest, Mr. Bullock did not deny having conversations with â€Å"Ashley† but explained that if she would arrive, he just wanted her to be counseled by the authorities on the dangers of meeting strangers on the internet. Mr. Bullock argues that his case is a case of entrapment and that he took no â€Å"substantial steps† towards committing the crimes he has been charged with. Issue: The sufficiency of the evidence is challenged and Appellant claims an entrapment defense for the reason that he was not predisposed to engage in the charged offenses, we shall set forth in greater detail a series of sordid internet and telephone communications between Appellant and the purported 3 victim than we usually would. Holding First, Appellant does not admit that he committed the crimes for which he was convicted and, second, there is no evidence that Appellant was not predisposed, ready and willing to commit these crimes.   Appellant did not meet his burden of injecting into the case a proper case for entrapment. Rational Appellant tendered four jury instructions alleging the affirmative defense of entrapment.   Appellant cites to the evidence that Ashley induced Appellant to take the â€Å"substantial step† of committing the crimes of statutory rape and sexual exploitation of a minor when he was not otherwise so inclined.   Appellant contends that he was only willing to express his fantasies, which was not a crime he was charged or convicted of, and he was not willing to act upon his fantasies without the inducement by Ashley.   He notes that Ashley initiated the majority of contacts with Appellant; specifically, he claims Ashley initiated seventeen of the nineteen instant messages and four of the eight e-mails between her and Appellant.   Appellant indicated the portions of the conversations where Ashley first proposed that Appellant come to Diamond and persisted in trying to set a firm date; he claims he was reluctant to act on his desires.   Appellants cla im that he would not have committed the charged offenses but for the enticement by Ashley is not supported by the evidence.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Kite Runner And Atonement Analysis English Literature Essay

The Kite Runner And Atonement Analysis English Literature Essay In this semester we read many interesting books, and I chose two books to compare and to discus about them. These books are The Kite Runner and Atonement. These books have many similar themes, like discrimination, differences between social classes, guilt-innocence, sacrifice, cowardice, family broken and deceit, but the principal and the reason why I chose these books, is because both stories talk about forgiveness and redemption and how the principal characters try to repair the bad actions that they did in the past. In this essay I would compare both stories, and all the things that caused that Amir (The Kite Runner) and Briony (Atonement) committed injustices with other characters. And after a certain time they could repair their errors that they did in the past, to be in peace with their selves. First I have to give the definitions for forgiveness and redemption. Forgiveness is the action that someone does to forgive someone or something, also to give the pardon to someone. Redemption is the act of redeeming something that was done in the past. The principal characters in these novels are Amir and Briony. Amir grew up as the only son of a rich widower. During his childhood he sees his father with respect and admiration. He also tries to obtain his father admiration and love. In some way he made differences (social differences) with his best friend Hassan, by referring him as his servant and also betray him. In other way Hassan always helped Amir, and considered him as his best friend. At the beginning of the novel Briony is a young rich girl. She likes to write stories. In her childhood she made differences with the people of lower position. She ´s a little mean girl, and with the time she become an adult girl who mature and think over her bad actions that she did when she was a child. Although that Amir and Briony had a different personality, they born in a high position. And I think that because of this difference they had to act as the rich people and not get involve with their servants. That ´s why I think that both stories have a part of discrimination, because the characters or the events that happened in these novel where referred to the differences of the social class. Also I think that it causes that both grew up with the idea that they couldn ´t get involved with their servants, or consider them as friends. Two examples of this actions could be when Assef told Amir and Hassan that they couldn ´t be friends, because Hassan was just Amir ´s servant (The Kite Runner). In Atonement, when Cecile did not defend Robbie, when he was captured by the police man. She did not confess the true about what happened between them. Other theme that these novels have in common is guilt versus innocence. In The Kite Runner, Amir blames Hassan, when Amir accused Hassan of stole Amir ´s father watch and Hassan falsely confessed. Amir did this because he observes that his father have affect for Hassan, and if he knew that Hassan acted in a brave way by confronting Assef, Baba ´s love to Hassan will increase. So, Hassan did not have other option and he left Baba ´s house, even though that he was innocent. In the Atonement, Briony accused Robbie of rape his sister, Cecile. She was a little and confused girl, because she did not notice that between Cecile and Robbie existed more than a sexual attraction. Also the events that happened before and after Robbie and Cecile having sex, made that Robbie were find guilty of Lolas rape. Also Cecile did have the courage to defend her love for Robbie, even though that she can prove Robbies innocence or Lola knew the true and she did not say anything, because she knew the person who rape her (Paul Marshall). These novels have also examples of sacrifices. The principal characters have to give up to something important. In The Kite Runner, Baba and Amir had to leave their hometown for the invasion of the Russians. Also Hassan made many sacrifices, like when he was rape by Assef just to defend Amir ´s kite. Other sacrifice that Hassan did was when he died by defending Baba ´s house. In the novel Atonement, I think that Robbie did the sacrifice of not defending himself by not saying the true. I think that he did that to protect Cecile ´s reputation. Also I think that in some way Briony made a sacrifice by consoling the French guy, who was dying. I think that the biggest sacrifice in this novel was the one that Cecile and Robbie did, by been separate. Another theme that these novels have in common is deceit. Many of the characters of these stories live in a deceit, in a certain time they confront it, because the past can ´t be forgotten. In The Kite Runner has an example of deceit. It is that Amir during his childhood he live in a deceit, because he did not know that Hassan was his half brother. Baba knew the true, but he did not say anything. In the novel Atonement, the biggest deceit could be when Lola lied about who was her rape. She was forced to confess that someone raped her. Briony though that this person was Robbie, so Lola said that Robbie was this person. Cecile did not believe in what she said, but the rest of the family did, so Robbie was sent to jail. Another theme that these novels share is Cowardice. Both novels have examples of this theme. For example in The Kite Runner, cowardice is presented when Hassan was raped by Assef. Amir was watching this action but he did not do anything to help Hassan, even though that Hassan acted in a brave way to defend Amir ´s kite. Also I think that Baba was coward by not saying the true about Hassan, he did not have the courage to say that Hassan was also his son and give him a better life. In the Atonement novel, cowardice is presented when Lola did not say the true about who was the guy who rapes her. That was an act of cowardice, and even though Lola got married with the person who really raped her. Also I think that Cecile was coward by not explaining Briony what was happening between her and Robbie and even more when Robbie was send to jail. I also found that in both stories exists a broke family. I mean that after a certain point or for some reason the relationship between the family members is broken. It happens in The Kite Runner, when Amir knew the true about his half brother, Hassan. For this action Amir felt betray by his father. And the admiration and the respect that he felt for his father become resentment. In the Atonement novel, Cecile was the person who decided to cut with her family. After that Robbie was send to jail, she was disappointed and angry. She left her house and never come back. Ceciles family will not be united anymore. These novels also talk about forgiveness. In atonement, Briony wants to fix the injustice that she committed when she was a child by writing a novel about a love story with a happy ending. At her short age she was confused about the events that she saw. She was too young to understand what happened between Cecile and Robbie, when they were having sex at the library, Briony though that it was an aggression to her sister. So, she told the police what she saw. Briony contributed to send Robbie to jail. Also I think that for the events that Briony saw like when Cecile and Robbie where at the fountain and the letter that Robbie wrote to Cecile, made that Briony had a bad impression about Robbie. These actions made that Briony started to feel hate and fear for Robbie. The time pass and she grew up and mature, these things made that she reconsider her actions against Robbie. Also she remembered that Paul Marshall was the person who raped Lola. So, Briony wanted to amend the damage that her lie caused to Cecile and Robbie, she wrote a novel about Cecile and Robbie with a happy ending. Also she wrote something that she couldn ´t done, it was that she apologized with Cecile and Robbie; it was like a wish, because she didnt do that. These actions should be considered as redemption. In the Kite Runner, forgiveness is presented when Rahim called Amir and told him all the things that happened to Hassan and his family. He gave an advice to Amir, and it was that he could amend all the damage that he caused to Hassan by rescue Sohrab, Hassan ´s son. Rahim also told Amir that by doing this could be the only way to be good again. He considered what Rahim told him, so he decided to go back to his hometown and rescue Sohrab. I consider this action as an opportunity that the life offers to Amir to be good again, and in some way to thank and reward Hassan for all the help, the support, and friendship that Hassan gave to Amir. Also I think that rescued Sonhrab, was Amir ´s obligation, because Hassan died by defending Baba ´s house. It was a debt that Amir needed to pay. I think that both characters received a punishment in a certain time of their lives that made them to pay for their bad actions. For example when Briony was working as nurse, she lived something that made her to reconsider about what she did and what she should do to be in peace with herself. This happened when she was with the French guy, who was dying. She felt alone and without love, she felt like if she were in the same place of the soldier. In The Kite Runner, Amir also received a punishment for a certain time. It was that he couldn ´t have family. I think that for Amir to have his own family was important. Because he expressed his wish to have children. I consider this as a punishment to Amir, because he was a selfish person with Hassan, because he did not want to share his father love. And I think that the destiny charged this action to Amir by not having his own family. At the end of the novels forgiveness is reached by Briony and Amir. They have to do something to obtain the pardon of the people that they hurt, to find a way to be good again, to be in the right way, to feel what the people that they hurt suffered and be in peace with the others. They have to do a little sacrifice to reach the redemption of their selves. Briony and Amir wanted to amend what they have done in the past. Both did what they tough that was correct to reach the forgiveness of the people that they hurt. Amir and Briony were looking for an interior peace that they needed. They need to be free of sins to have a better life, to clear their conscience. They needed to amend their errors, to apologize with the people that they hurt. At the end of the novels both characters, Amir and Briony could be in peace with their selves. They did what they thought that was right to amend their mistakes and injustices. In The Kite Runner, Amir could rescue Sonhrab. Amir gave Sonhrab the right to have a united family, to have a mother and a father again. And Amir let himself to have a complete family, to have a son. To protect and defend Sonhrab as he couldn ´t do with Hassan, when he was rape by Assef. Also to not commit the same mistakes that her father, Baba, did with Hassan. In Atonement, Briony related the love story about Cecile and Robbie. She gave her sister the best end to her love story. The end of Cecile and Robbie ´s love story deserved. Even though that in reality it was impossible, because Briony never confront Cecile and Robbie by telling them the true, and also she never apologize herself for what she did. Briony did what she thought that Cecile and Robbie will tell her to amend the consequences that her lie did to Cecile and Robbie ´s lives. She thought that the readers would like to read a happy ending in her novel. Also she demonstrated that as writers we have the power to change the things and do them in the right way. Both novels show us, the readers, that saying lies bring us bad consequences. Lies could ruin the life of other people; lies could hurt people, could hamper the happiness of a person and also could change your life. These novels teach us that saying lies are not good to the person who is saying them neither for the people who we are telling the lies. The themes that I mentioned like, discrimination, differences between social classes, deceit, sacrifice, guilt, innocence and cowardice are related to forgiveness and redemption in these novels. These themes were involved in the routine lives of Amir and Briony. In some way these themes are involved to the bad actions that Amir and Briony did against other characters. Because Briony and Amir had a better style of life, they had everything, and they grew up with the same ideas that their social class have about their servants. As humans we always judge poor people and we have a bad image of them. We always commit injustices toward the poor people, we discriminate them by thinking that we are better than them, and we also thought that they are weak people, who would never understand us. The people with a high position think that they can blame the poor people, and we end up that they are the bravest people and that we are the cowards. So to amend our errors we have to look for their forgiveness, to be free of any fault. In my personal opinion I consider these novels a lesson of life. The principal characters committed injustices and acted in a mean way with people who did not deserve to be excluded. At the end both characters, Briony and Amir, reconsider what they had done and were looking for forgiveness. That ´s something that humans do, we always commit injustices with the people that give us love and understanding. Some of us do it lately, but I think that never is too late to mend our errors. I also think that to obtain the pardon of someone we have to do something notorious, which can prove that we really wanted to be forgiven. In my personal opinion, I think that the character that success is Amir. Amir did a big effort to be forgiven; he also could amend his errors by rescue Sonhrab. Amir also will learn the role of be a father. I don ´t like the Briony obtain the forgiveness by the right way, because she should have the courage to look for her sister and confront Lola to made her to say the true. These novels made think that the past is always behind you and that some day it can reach you. We have to always amend our injustices, we have to repair our mistakes, and we have to do some sacrifice to be forgiven. Also I learn that the mistakes that you committed in the past, the future will charge you them in an expensive way. We have to try to be good with the people that are around us, to not commit injustices, to always mend our errors and to look for forgiveness. urse_banner Teacher: CJ. Macho Student: Guadalupe Aquino B. Title: Similar themes and focused in Forgiveness in the novels The Kite Runner and Atonement Date: December 14, 2009.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Confessional Poetry Essay -- Poems Poetry poets Essays Confessions Pla

Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it – A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem â€Å"Lady Lazarus† by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems. Confessional poetry emerged in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, and was identified by its use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I†. At the time, T.S. Eliot and other poets were advocating an impersonal style in their poetry, and a detached loss of connection with the reader. Confessional poetry emerged partly as a reaction to this train of thought; rather, the Confessional poets originated their school on the idea of themselves as unique individuals bringing something personal and distinctive to readers. The rise of this brand of poetry also coincided with the notorious political and social changes that occurred at the same time, and much of this was reflected in the poems. These changes allowed the Confessional poets to explore issues in their work that had previously been taboo, and had never been discussed before in such a public forum, such as abortions, divorces, mental disorders, and suicide. Moreover, these poets were able to use their real lives as â€Å"inspiration† for their art, giving it an intimate diar... ...r white, middle class backgrounds, and are also highly educated, prompting some critics to claim that this style of poetry is merely a bunch of whiney middle-class white folk, complaining about their miserable lives. Others wonder if the use of â€Å"I† excludes some readers rather than forming an intimate connection. Still others believe that confessional poetry is almost a method of false advertising: they point to evidence that some of the poets may have actually exaggerated their true life events to make for a more interesting read, and that the use of the autobiographical style makes for a false sense of connection with the reader. As with any style of poetry, the merits of Confessional poetry are often passionately debated, but the fact remains that these poets maintain a powerful and significant influence over poetry and other works about poetry to this day. Confessional Poetry Essay -- Poems Poetry poets Essays Confessions Pla Confessional Poetry I have done it again. One year in every ten I manage it – A sort of walking miracle, my skin Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot A paperweight, My face featureless, fine Jew linen. This excerpt comes from the poem â€Å"Lady Lazarus† by Sylvia Plath, one of the most famous – and infamous – poets of the 20th century. Many of Plath’s poems, such as this one, belong to a particular school of poetry known as Confessional Poetry. With a distinct style all their own, Plath and her fellow Confessional poets will be forever remembered for their brutal honesty, emotionality, and the personal quality of their poems. Confessional poetry emerged in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, and was identified by its use of the personal pronoun â€Å"I†. At the time, T.S. Eliot and other poets were advocating an impersonal style in their poetry, and a detached loss of connection with the reader. Confessional poetry emerged partly as a reaction to this train of thought; rather, the Confessional poets originated their school on the idea of themselves as unique individuals bringing something personal and distinctive to readers. The rise of this brand of poetry also coincided with the notorious political and social changes that occurred at the same time, and much of this was reflected in the poems. These changes allowed the Confessional poets to explore issues in their work that had previously been taboo, and had never been discussed before in such a public forum, such as abortions, divorces, mental disorders, and suicide. Moreover, these poets were able to use their real lives as â€Å"inspiration† for their art, giving it an intimate diar... ...r white, middle class backgrounds, and are also highly educated, prompting some critics to claim that this style of poetry is merely a bunch of whiney middle-class white folk, complaining about their miserable lives. Others wonder if the use of â€Å"I† excludes some readers rather than forming an intimate connection. Still others believe that confessional poetry is almost a method of false advertising: they point to evidence that some of the poets may have actually exaggerated their true life events to make for a more interesting read, and that the use of the autobiographical style makes for a false sense of connection with the reader. As with any style of poetry, the merits of Confessional poetry are often passionately debated, but the fact remains that these poets maintain a powerful and significant influence over poetry and other works about poetry to this day.

Tech Prep :: Education School Careers Essays

Tech Prep Tech prep has become more widely accepted by educators and the business community as real changes have been made in curriculum, courses, and programs. However, the jury is still outabout whether the anticipated student, school, and community outcomes are being realized. This essay examines the extent to which tech prep is succeeding as a unique effort, living up to the claims that have been made for it. Over the years, educators have been challenged by a number of federal, state, and local initiativesthat profess to result in better educational outcomes for students. Highly marketed at their inception, many of the initiatives ultimately fade into obscurity, some absorbed as part of otherprograms. Examinations of tech prep and its relationship to school-to-work initiatives point to thedistinctions that make each of the two programs unique and highlight the characteristics that makethem similar. Program focus is the most distinguishing feature that differentiates tech prep from school to work.Tech preps focus is primarily on school-based learning, whereas school-to-work programs alsoinclude work-based learning and linkages between the two. The distinction is less clear when thecore elements required for tech prep vary among tech prep consortia, as they are reported to do(Owens 1996). For example, when tech prep adds elements that include work-based and careerguidance components, it becomes similar to school-to-work, which may explain why someeducators are seeing little or no difference between the two. Of the 100 persons surveyed at the1996 American Vocational Association Convention, however, only 15 percent saw tech prep andschool-to-work as being exactly the same (Bragg 1996). Most of the surveyed tech prep consortia did not see the two efforts as synonymous, but perceived tech prep as a component of school to work: 35% of the respondents considered techprep to be the foundation for school to work; 50% considered tech prep to be under the school-to-work umbrella (ibid). However, for funding as well as program issues, most local techprep coordinators believe that tech prep should retain its unique identity to ensure that thebenefits of its processes and procedures are not lost or duplicated by school-to-work (Bragg et al.1997). Survey responses from 42 of 50 state directors of vocational-technical education showedagreement with the view that tech prep is one option within school to work and that its identityneeds to remin strong (Dykman 1995). Imprecision in defining the two reforms can create confusion and frustration among allstakeholders. At one of the five field sites studied during the 1996-1997 academic year, forexample, tech prep was "viewed as a premier approach to STW for more academically talentedstudents, incorporating both school-based and work-based components.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Family Complexities in Interracial Marriages Essay -- Families Marryin

Family Complexities in Interracial Marriages This paper was really interesting to write because it is a topic that could affect me some day. Plus,"Fools Rush In" is my favorite movie so I loved the opportunity to analyze it. I liked writing the paper because I think that it's a topic that a lot of people tend to overlook or think unimportant. The truth is that many people rush in to interracial marriages without stopping to think of the effects on their families. This paper wasn't written to dissuade anyone from marrying someone of a different ethnicity or religion, only to inform them of what could (and does) happen. It was really hard to write a synthesis on the two movies without comparing and contrasting them. It was a challenging paper but also a lot of fun to write. Family Complexities of Interracial Marriages Mom's apple pie and dad's fishing trips are the American family dream. Everyone dreams of a white picket fence house in the suburbs with sweet children playing on the perfect green lawn. This is the American ideal of a perfect family, one that never argues or fights about anything. Yet what happens when mariachis and pià ±atas are one family’s dream, while decorating one’s house to resemble the Parthenon is another’s? Despite cultural differences, the purpose of all families is to love, guide, and support. Often times, however, families overstep the bounds when dealing out advice and guidance. Families can create many conflicts in interracial marriages in today’s society, as seen in the movies Fools Rush In and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Families are often the deciding factor when it comes to a marriage. They view and critique every possible match, deciding if it will work. The question is how... work, and society is accepting them more and more. Like Toula’s father said, â€Å"So, okay†¦we have apples and oranges. We are all different but in the end, we’re all just fruit!† (My Big Fat Greek Wedding). Self-Evaluation This paper was harden that I thought that it would be. I tried to make it easier, though, by picking two movies that I know pretty well. I also picked a topic that was interesting to me and I thought I could prove well. My synthesis is a little jumbled and goes off on two tangents, religion and culture. I hope I got the main idea through. I ended with a quote that I liked from My Big Fat Greek American, I hope it makes sense with the essay. I had a hard time starting the beginning also, but I tried to make it interesting. If I had more time I would try to organize my ideas a little better about family affecting religion and culture.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Purchase Orders

ABC Instructor Assignments 1. Ken's Carpets sells carpet for both residential and business use. To better estimate costs, the company recently adopted an activity-based costing system. Last year, the company incurred $300,000 in overhead costs. Based on an intense study of their company, the following activities, allocation bases, and percentages of overhead costs were determined: Activity| Allocation Base| Proportion of Overhead Cost| Purchasing| Number of purchase orders| 25%| Materials processing| Number of square feet| 50%| Sales| Number of sales orders| 25%|The number of activities for residential and business is as follows: | Residential| | Business Total Total Overhead| Number of purchase orders| 700| | 500 1,200 75,000| Number of square feet| 4,000,000| | 2,000,000 6,000,000 150,000 | Number of sales orders| 400| | 100 500 75,000| Required: A. | Calculate the total overhead that should be allocated to each of the three activities. Number of Purchase $75,000, Number of square feet $150,000, Number of sales orders $75,000. | | B. | Calculate the overhead rates for each of the three activities. Number of purchase 62. 5, Number of square feet 0. 025, Number of sales orders 150| | | C. | If a particular residential job requires 4 purchase orders and 1 sales order for total of 1,500 square feet of carpet, how much overhead should be allocated to the job? 4*62. 5 + 0. 025*1,500+1*150 = $437. 50| 2. Mountaineer Tents manufactures and sells heavy and light duty tents to various outdoor retailers. To better estimate costs, the company recently adopted an activity-based costing system.Last year, the company incurred $900,000 in overhead costs. Based on an intense study of their company, the following activities, allocation bases, and percentages of overhead costs were determined: Activity| Allocation Base| Proportion of Overhead Cost| Purchasing| Number of purchase orders| 55%| Inspections| Number of inspections| 20%| Sales| Number of sales orders| 25%| The number of activities for heavy and light duty tents is as follows: | Heavy-duty| | Light-duty| Number of purchase orders| 5,000| | 4,000| Number of inspections| 3,000| | 1,000| Number of sales orders| 800| | 400| Required:A. | Calculate the total overhead that should be allocated to each of the three activities. Number of purchase 4,950, Number of inspection 800, Number of sales 300| | | B. | Calculate the overhead rates for each of the three activities. Number of purchase 1. 82, Number of inspection 5, Number of sales 4| | | C. | If a single sales order requires 10 purchase orders and 30 inspections to fill, how much overhead should be applied to the order? 1*4+10*1. 82+30*5 = 191. 82| 3. The following overhead cost information is available for Millennium Inc. for 2006: Activity| Allocation Base| Overhead Cost|Purchasing| Number of purchase orders| $300,000| Machine setups| Number of setups| 150,000| Quality control| Number of inspections| 50,000| During the year, 4,000 purchase orders w ere issued; 8,000 machine setups were performed; and 2,000 inspections were conducted. Required: A. | Calculate the overhead rates for each of the three activities. Purchasing 75. 00, Machine Setups 18. 75, Quality Control 25| | | B. | If a particular job requires 10 purchase orders, 6 setups, and 5 inspections to fill, how much overhead should be applied to the job? | 10*75+6*18. 75+25*5 = 987. 5

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Becoming a Citizen of Trinidad and Tobago

CONTENTS Definition of temper2 How a individual becomes a citizen in Trinidad and Tobago.. 3 Roles of a Citizen .. 7 Qualities of an dramatic citizen 8 Pictures of Document 9 definition OF PERSONALITY According to the American mental Association, individualality refers to the individual differences in sign patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. These patterns can be discover amongst all living organisms indoors the universe. Personality is the essential char routineer of a person and is that aspect of every human organism that impresses other(a)s.HOW A PERSON BECOMES A CITIZEN OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO This is the recognise legal process of becoming a Trinidad and Tobago citizen- 1. A person moldiness(prenominal) make to be a citizen at finished the ministry of national security. 2. You must run across these criteria * The cooperator of a resident or citizen of Trinidad and Tobago. * The put up or grandpargonnt of a resident or citizen of Trinidad and Tobago who re sides in the outlandish and is leave aloneing and subject to provide c atomic number 18 and maintenance for you. * workings in Trinidad and Tobago under a carry Permit for five or more continuous years at the clip of application.However, a attainer resident or citizen of Trinidad and Tobago who wishes to obtain residency again would consent to * Obtain a Police authentication of Character from all countries of residence within the last five years and from Trinidad and Tobago. cheer follow the link below for knowledge on obtaining a Police surety of Character from Trinidad and Tobago. security measuress must non be participation more than six months in front the find of application. * Have legally pictureed the country if you ar currently living in Trinidad and Tobago. Not be in a prohibited class as outline in Section 8(1) of in-migration Act. The immigration Act can be viewed in its entirety on the Ministry of subject field Securitys Immigration Division webs ite. 3. You must obtain and cop two copies of a P&I 6 Form from one of the offices below, or from any Trinidad and Tobago overseas mission. These argon visible(prenominal) at 1. Citizenship and Immigration Section temple Court 31-33 Abercromby Street, Ground Floor behavior of Spain Trinidad, west Indies Phone (868) 623-2441-5 Fax (868) 625-9405 e-mailemailprotected ov. tt 2. Immigration Office carriage Authority Building Milford Road Scarborough Tobago, West Indies Tel (868) 639-2681 Fax (868) 639-1868 3. Both copies of the application form should be completed in unison with the included instructions and returned in person, unneurotic with all required reenforcement. REQUIRED financial support * Four identical passport-sized photos taken within the last six months. * Birth credentials and supporting Affidavit, if necessary (original and one copy). * link up Certificate, if applicable (original and one copy). Police Certificate of Character from previous counties of resi dence within the last five years and from Trinidad and Tobago, dated not more than six months from the date of application. * Work Permits issued in the name of the applier for five years (original and one copy). * muse Letter or, if self-employed, evidence of registration of familiarity and letter indicating nature of employment and income. * fiscal statements reflecting any investment accounts, bank accounts or credit union accounts dated not more than two weeks forwards date of application. Tax Clearance Certificate B or C, which can be obtained at the Inland Revenue Department, Trinidad House, St. Vincent Street, porthole of Spain. * Photocopies of each utilised page of a valid foreign Passport. The required documentation may vary according to the reason out for applying for residency in Trinidad and Tobago. 4. The following fees argon payable upon approval of an application for house physician Status * Nationals of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries pay TT$400. 00. Nationals of non-CARICOM countries pay TT$1000. 00. Payment must be made in cash in or by certified check out at Cashiers unit Ground Floor, Ministry of National Security 31-33 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain Trinidad, West Indies The Cashiers Unit is open Monday through Friday from 800 am to 230 pm, debar state-supported holidays. If application was made at an overseas Mission you are required to enter Trinidad and Tobago once your house physician Status is approved to pay your fees and to collect your Certificate of Resident Status.AFTER APPLICATION All applications are placed in a come up in the order in which they are received. Staff from the Citizenship and Immigration Section go forth review each application and, if necessary, bespeak omitted information. Once an application is deemed to be complete, the Ministry testament send create verbally notification to the applicant of the date and meter he or she has been scheduled for an interview. During the interview , an Immigration Officer will determine if the applicant qualifies for Resident Status. after(prenominal) the interview, the Ministry will send the applicant written notification of the final decision regarding his or her application for Resident Status. The period of time from when you apply to final decision may vary from one to four years. ROLES OF A CITIZEN As a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago many roles must be played. There are accountabilitys and responsibilities that are required in order to fulfill the position of a legal Trinidad and Tobago resident. The powerfuls, roles and responsibilities of a citizen are available in the Trinidad and Tobago constitution. These rights are the right of the individual to career, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property And the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of lawfulness * the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law * the right of the individual to respec t for his private and family life * the right of the individual to equality of discussion from any public authority in the exercise of any functions * the right to join political parties and to express political views * the right of a parent or shielder to provide a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward * license of movement * immunity of conscience and religious belief and Lords Supper * freedom of thought and expression * freedom of association and assembly and * Freedom of the press.QUALITIES OF AN neat CITIZEN An corking citizen must display characteristics that nominate a positive and significant electrical shock on the country. Becoming a beloved citizen in take obeying the law, voting, paying anxiety to government and politics, donating money to economic aid others, volunteering to help others and helping with problems and issues within society. Excelling at these and other duties amongst society creates the perfect example of what an s alient(ip) model citizen can be. Being an outstanding citizen comes with great results. Awards and privileges are given with the act of outstanding citizenry and a deep and prosperous lifestyle awaits the achiever.